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ISO 10437-2003 石油、石油化学和天然气工业.专用汽轮机设备

时间:2024-05-21 23:51:02 来源: 标准资料网 作者:标准资料网 阅读:8805
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Product Code:SAE ARP1161
Title:Crew Station Lighting - Commercial Aircraft
Issuing Committee:A-20ac Crew Station And Interior Lighting Committee
Scope:The purpose of this ARP is to present a practical set of requirements for the lighting systems which provide illumination for crew station areas and displays and for the characteristics of displays which affect their readability. It is intended that it be used as a guide by those involved with the design, use, or procurement of lighting systems for commercial and non-military aircraft or aerospace vehicles. The ARP covers the recommended requirements for the lighting and characteristics of instruments; information plates and displays; emergency, cautionary, advisory and status displays; circuit breaker and toggle switch positions; and the recommended requirements for the utility lighting system.